What trees are native to the northeast?
Our nursery is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Northwest Georgia. This geography and micro-climate makes our nursery an exceptional place to grow species native to the northeast US. In addition, we collect and purchase significant quantities of seed from the northeast US, making our trees and shrubs right at home when planted in the northeast US.
What trees are native to Connecticut?
Sugar Maple
Northern Red Oak
Yellow Birch
Red Maple
Black Birch
Eastern Hemlock
Eastern White Pine
Black Cherry
What trees are native to Maine?
Atlantic White Cedar
Balsam Fir
Common Juniper
Eastern Red Cedar
Norway Red
What trees are native to Massachusetts?
Tamarack Larch
Pitch Pine
Gray Jack
Black Spruce
Black Cherry
American Holly
Green Ash
White Oak
Downy Serviceberry
Gray Birch
Black Tupelo
Red Maple
What trees are native to New Hampshire?
Sugar Maple
Eastern Red Cedar
Paper Birch
Eastern Hemlock
Balsam Fir
Red Oak
White Ash
Black Walnut
What trees are native to New Jersey?
Flowering Dogwood
American Holly
Black Spruce
Red Oak
Willow Oak
Tulip Tree
Sweet Birch
Silver Bell
Hazel Alder
What trees are native to New York?
Callery Pear
Honey Locust
Pin Oak
Silver Maple
London Planetree
Norway Maple
Littleleaf Linden
Green Ash
What trees are native to Pennsylvania?
River Birch
American Dogwood
Red Maple
American Fringe Tree
Sweetbay Magnolia
Blackgum “Wildfire”
White Oak
American Hornbeam
What trees are native to Rhode Island?
Round-leaved Dogwood
Mountain Maple
Dwarf Chestnut Oak
Swamp Cottonwood
Black Spruce
Striped Maple
American Larch
Post Oak
Black Ash
What trees are native to Vermont?
Red Maples
American Sycamore
Eastern Hemlock
Northern Red Oak
Tulip Poplar
Norway Spruce
Eastern White Pine
Balsam Fir
Native Forest Nursery’s micro-climate was designed specifically for the cultivation of seed and liner material for almost every region of the eastern US, not just for our local environment in Georgia. It’s in this micro-climate that we produce over six million hardwood seedlings and over two million pine seedlings annually. Our goal is to help forests grow all throughout the United States, not just in our home state of Georgia. We hope you’ll join us!