Hard to grow species? No problem.

The Benefits of Tree Bands

An example of the root development on our Buttonbush tree bands.

An example of the root development on our Buttonbush tree bands.

What is a tree band?

Our tree bands are equivalent in size and growth to our Premium Bare Root Seedlings. The primary difference is that tree bands are grown in small plastic pot that is 4" x 4" wide and 5" or 9" deep depending on the product.

How do tree bands help?

We provide care to our nursery plants to protect them from diseases and pests. For many tree species, nursery raising is essential due to their slow growth and severe competition. Our tree bands, and all other products, are protected from diseases, pests and competition.

Buttonbush tree band tunnel.

Buttonbush tree band tunnel.

Why tree bands?

There are a number of reasons why a tree band may be the best choice for your project.

  • A planting window of 9 to 12 months versus 4 to 6 months for a bare root product

  • Controlled propagation environment allows for production of those "hard to find" species

  • Controlled growth environment creates ideal conditions for extremely vigorous plants

  • Reduced transplant stress compared to bare root

  • Allows for easier "custom grows" that require specific species and seed provenance




St. Tammany

St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana

“I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Native Forest Nursery and all its employees. It has been a pleasure doing business with you all. The plant material arrives on schedule and in great shape, ready to be installed. St. Tammany Parish Government uses your plant material in our storm water ponds to create habitat, improve visual quality, create recreational areas, and improve water quality.

These plants are installed in collaboration with several different public agencies as well as private businesses, with the help of our St. Tammany Parish School system students both from Jr. High and High School, in an outreach program we call Adopt a Pond. The students are taught the importance of the trees and how to plant the trees properly. They participate in water quality testing, water quality data collecting, data presentation, ecology, and engineering principals of pond design.

Native Forest Nurseries’, quality plant material, as well as the team’s care in packing and delivery is a significant factor in our project’s success. We thank you and your team for your efforts, and we hope to work with you on this project in future years.”

-Spaff Goodnow, Landscape Architect, St. Tammany Parish Government

Greene Environmental Services

Snow Hill, NC

“Greene Environmental Services has been a Native Forest customer for two years. The staff is professional, and the products always meet expectations. Highly recommend Native Forest.”

-Jeff Becker, Greene Environmental Services


Want to know more?

Get in touch.

We are happy to answer any questions just use the button below to send us an email us or you can call us directly at (706) 483-3397.